Wednesday, November 10, 2004


It's amazing how certain smells, visions, songs take you back in memory lane and you are reminded of incidents, which could cause so much joy that you want to keep thinking about it or so much pain that you want to forget about it, but you can't because these memeories never leave you, they are there in the head and they always come back and you live the pain again and ......again.

You are reminded of people, wonderful people who have done so much for you, who think about your welfare all the time, whose shoulders you can always cry on and in front of whom you are not ashamed or afraid to be weak. These true friends are so hard to find.

At the end of the day, I sit and count the number of friends I have and I dont even want to think about it again. It is depressing! In 21 (+something years) of my life, are these the only friends I could make, the only people I could care enough for, who care for me?

Suddenly at this stage of my life, like sand slipping away in a tightly closed fist, I find people slipping away from my life, maybe there is no point in holding on tighter, maybe its time to pickup new sandgrains and hold on to them gently and with enough care so that they would want to stay there, secure and happy.

Would I ever have those people back in my life? Would I be given another chance?


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