Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Looking back

Looking back, one semester is over and what have I done? Absolutely none of the things I wanted to! I gained a few things (apart from weight), lost a few things, so life evened it out for me. I woudnt have it any other way. No regrets.

Realizations/ Lessons (lessons re-learnt) ---

- that everyone isnt what they seem (for a change on the capabilities of a person on a professional level)

- that you are out on ur own in this world (Friends,parents, realtives, boyfriends...none of them can help u when u have an insane uncontrollable mind)

- that being and acting deperate and crying for it doesnt help u get back anything (only worked when u were a kid and just the first few times with a new boyfriend until he gets smarter)

- that there is noone out there who I cant get bored with

- that patience doesnt help u in anyway (who passed on these thoughts anyway), the only thing that helps in maintaining a relation is change of perspective towards the person, u can tolerate the most boring/irritating person if u want to.

- that I still suck at time management (but so does a majority of the world)

- that I do like changes (contrary to what I said long back on the blog abt hating it)

- that I am capable of being and staying angry (something I had lost somewhere out there) and feeling all the other dark feelings of human nature and I have no idea why the thought of inflicting pain gives me joy!

- that I am strong enough to handle some of the things I never thought I could.

- that I am made up of more substance than I thought I was.

- that I really do not miss so many people I thought I would (or should?)

- that no matter what has gone wrong or right because I came here, its going to do me a lot of good eventually.

U wait until u finish ur exams so that u can sleep all u want and what happens? U cant sleep on the day its over. Life sucks. But what the hell, life can go take a hike!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very very true...:) the best part was no matter how much u cry somethings never come back.

5:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with not being able to sleep after the exam part...thats all about it.

10:41 PM  

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