Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Straight from the heart

Its been really long since I blogged. Well, I have plenty of reasons for that, but the main thing is that I was preparing for an exam. It went well and according to a few people, I could have done better, but I guess I am more than relived about this coz I failed once earlier.

The purpose of this blog isnt to talk about my exam, but about the person who is behind me in making me take this exam again. The person who gave me courage to face it all over. This isnt the only thing he has done for me. Our friendship is quite old and all through these years he has supported and encouraged me about everything that was dear to me. The first one to give me frank opinions and the first one to criticize me. The one to scold me (he acts like my dad sometimes!) and the one to praise me for all my actions.

He isnt around these days, but that has not affected our relationship in any way. Apart from missing being with him and observing all his reactions and expressions, I dont think much has changed. He is still the same old moron to me who gets as excited about the important things in his (or my) life (like food and Natural languages) as the smaller things in life. And he has always shared it with me. I can imagine him literally jumping around while he is talking to me on the phone explainig what happened a few mins back!

I cant help but mention that he is also the weirdest person I have come across till now, not to mention his absent mindedness! The kind of passion he has for the things he is interested in is so amazing. I have not seen so much passion for something in anybody else and probably this is why he succeeds in everything he does. He is totally into something (could be some novel, a subject, some food item, a girl,....) that interests him! And he can also give all his time and effort to peel a single grape! Peeling a grape?? yes!! He did that too (I told u he was weird)!

Well...I have so much to talk about him and it is quite impossible to write everything here. My life would have been totally different if he wasnt around and probably not this good. He is the best and deserves a very good life and I know he is going a really long way in his career. Not to talk about his personal life...what with all the girls hovering around him all the time!! :P

I dedicate this blog to my dear friend... "Thank you for being there for me dear and wish you a very Happy Birthday"!

And thank you Fate for making us both meet!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the best birthday gift I have ever recieved! Thank you ever so much...

And now, doesn't giving a gift like this beat the shit out of materialistic titbits wrapped with flashy giftwrap?

11:29 PM  

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